Fire emblem radiant dawn rom ntsc
Fire emblem radiant dawn rom ntsc

fire emblem radiant dawn rom ntsc

The localizations only use the basic script, with the extended script being cut entirely, amounting to a loss of roughly 5% of the game's story content. The extended script goes into greater depth on the game's story and lore than the basic script did. In the Japanese version, an "extended script" is played instead of the game's standard script when the game is played on Hard and Maniac Modes.Edward and Leonardo had both their starting level and their starting stats increased.Two skills had their activation rates altered to make them much easier and safer to trigger.Similarly, Mist is now allowed to promote to Valkyrie by maximizing her level and does not need to use a Holy Crown.As part of this change, the number of obtainable Master Crowns was reduced because there was less need for them, reduced from 13 in the Japanese version to just 5 in localized versions. The localization changed this to allow advanced units the option to promote by maximizing their level. In the Japanese version, an advanced unit required a Master Crown to promote to the third tier and could not do so by maximizing their level. Class change requirements for advanced units were altered.The Character Portraits gallery was added in localization.Four new base conversations were added: three conversations in Part 3 Chapter 6 to provide the three new weapons, and a fourth in Part 3 Chapter 12 where Nico re-appears.Three new items were added as personal weapons for members of the Dawn Brigade: Caladbolg for Edward, Tarvos for Nolan, and Lughnasadh for Leonardo.The PAL version removes a direct reference to forging points, but it is still alluded to. However, some of the game's text, such as the dialog for when the merchants first join, still refers to forging points. Points were originally obtained from selling unwanted weapons. The Japanese version's "forging points" system was cut in the localization's version of the forge system.

fire emblem radiant dawn rom ntsc

Battle Saves were added to the Easy and Normal Modes.Unlike in Path of Radiance, the contents of the difficulty modes were not edited at all beyond their names. The three difficulty modes-Normal, Hard, and Maniac-were renamed Easy, Normal, and Hard in localization.In the Japanese version, the leader unit can repeatedly attempt to obtain hidden treasures by cycling through the Direct and Cancel commands. Later print runs of the game fixed this issue. If the GameCube memory card has an Easy Mode Path of Radiance save, then Radiant Dawn will freeze when opening the Memory Card, likely an oversight resulting from Easy Mode being introduced in the Path of Radiance localization. The initial release of the game inadvertently introduced a glitch with the Path of Radiance data transfer function.The localized game supports the option to play it in 16:9 widescreen mode.Please help improve the page by adding information. Name changes Main article: Name chart/Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn English text differences Main article: English text differences NTSC-J to NTSC-U changes Gameplay changes

Fire emblem radiant dawn rom ntsc