PhotoShelf v.2 Web based digital photo archiving and management system, written entirely in perl.Myjaphoo v.1.0 MyJaPhoO My Java Photo Organizer Manages local Photo and Video.Libptp (Picture Transfer Protocol lib) v. Library communicating with PTP enabled devices ( digital photo cameras and so.It aims to closely resemble a physical photo album while taking advantage of the high quality (and large size) of digital. GAlbum v.0.2 gAlbum is a digital photo album for GNOME.The photos can be organized in albums which can be sorted chronologically, by directory layout or by custom. DigiKam v.32 digiKam is an advanced digital photo management application for KDE, which makes importing and organizing digital photos a "snap".myVuz allows you to organize all of your digital photos into albums, perform image editing, generate customizable HTML, and publish onto. MyVuz v.3.14 myVuz is a free, multi-functional and easy to use digital photo management, editing, and publishing application.

Java Digital Album Infrastructure v.0.4 JDAI is a Java based infrastructure for digital photo albums.With this software you can upload photo remotely and manage group. Photo Pizza v.0.1.1b Web based digital photo album with a web management system, written in php.The photos can be organized in albums which can be. This tool makes importing and organizing digital photos a 'snap'. DigiKam for Linux v.2.5.0 digiKam is a handy application that has been specially designed to offer users an advanced digital photo management application.Shotwell v.0.12.0 Shotwell is a digital photo organizer that runs on Linux.SwingPix Photo Organizer v.0.7 An elegant and intuitive image.MyVuz Digital Photo Wizard v.3.14 myVuz is an easy to use image management, editing, and publishing application.